We decided to carve a pumpkin this year. We did the fox logo and it turned out alright. The pumpkin seeds were the best part.
We went to a halloween party with Andy a few weeks ago and we were crash test dummies. I didn't want to have to think of something new. For some reason I think it's a whole lot creepier this time.
Other than this there hasn't been a lot going on. Just work and school like usual. Work is much better now that I have my voice back. Thank goodness for that. This semester is so close to over. It's crazy how quickly it has gone by. Jason is submitting all of his applications and getting his letters of reccomendation taken care of. So hopefully in March-ish we will know what will be happening come August. Oh my goodness...it's really crazy to not have a clue what will happen in 9 months but to know that everything is changing.
We are excited for Thanksgiving to get to see everyone. Too bad we don't get to see Aaron and Lauren or Aaron, Kristen and Jonathan, but we'll see them in January. Then we'll have lots more pictures.
Jason I am very jealous of all the snow you got. Believe it or not it doesn't snow in the middle east. So the hubby and I are missing all our snow. Only 3 more months til we are home for good.
I really want snow, too! It looks so cool. It looks like some of that snow has stuck to your faces in that one very scary picture of the two of you!!! Happy belated Halloween.
Oooo, it looks so COLD! I remember when we were there in January and I couldn't get warm, so I feel for you Cynthia. I'll bet Jason is a happy camper though! He's a very warm blooded young man. I also agree with Robb's comment about coming home, but I guess that I'm a LITTLE biased! Love you guys! Mom
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