
Monday, July 18, 2011

It's been forever...

since I blogged here!

I honestly just figured this blog was done for because we don't have anything super exciting to blog about like super cute babies or fabulous vacations and we are both awful about remembering the camera when we do go anywhere even remotely exciting.  I figured I would probably just create a new blog when we finally had something exciting to blog about, but apparently I was wrong...  During our trip to Vegas in June for my wonderful mom's 50th birthday I had numerous people give me a hard time about being an awful blog updater and my cousin Denise convinced me she would read my blog and wanted updates. So here ya are my dear.  I'm back! (We'll see how long this really lasts, Denise you may need to poke and prod more often.)

I still don't feel like we have anything incredibly exciting going on in our lives which deserves a blog post, so I'm going to start something I have convinced a few people to do but have never done myself.  10 things that made me happy this week!  I could use some reminders of the good in my life sometimes so maybe this is the one I need. :)

First I'll start with an update since the last real update was announcing we were moving to Fresno.

We are hasn't changed since I left it.  I am not a fan of Fresno and haven't been in a very long time, but there are some great opportunities and adventures here so it will suffice for the time being.  (Which will be at least another year) It will actually be hard to leave when the time comes because I love being so close to Jason's family and I don't want to move away from my Liver (Kristen) and the other friends I have gotten back in touch with. So I may make it sound awful sometimes because it isn't where I want to live, but it is pretty great.

Jason is getting so close to being done with school!  He has another year of school which he will start in August and then he has a year long internship.  We don't know where his internship will be, but he does start applying in October and knows where he would like to go.  His number one choice is Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake.  He is really interested in Pediatric Psychology and they have some amazing things going on there.  He is appeasing me and applying on the east coast (Boston, NYC, upstate NY, DC etc).  It would only be a year and I can't think of a better excuse to hang out there.  (Everyone and anyone could come and visit and have a free place to stay and a tour guide!)  He is also applying to any APA accredited internships he can find here in Fresno, Las Vegas, and Laramie so we have a chance to be with family. There are lots of others he is applying to but that is where he would like to end up.
Aside from going to school he is also working in an assessment center 30 hours a week which keeps him incredibly busy.  He does some child therapy and lots of assessments.  He loves it though and I truly believe he is doing what makes him happy.  He can't wait to actually get paid for it! :)

I on the other hand am trying to find ways to stay busy.  I finish school in February with my Bachelors in Business Management/Accounting (HALLELUJAH!!!).  Until Jason finds out where his internship will be I will be holding off on starting my Masters.  If we end up in Salt Lake I will FINALLY get to go to the UofU.  I'm secretly hoping for that :) I am working part time for the company I left back in December as a contract employee helping them out with some things they need to get caught up on since I left.  Other than that I spend A LOT of time looking for a job and spend as much time as possible with my Liver and nephew Jonathan.  I don't think I'm up to much life is pretty boring here in Fresno now that I'm not working all the time. that we are done with that are 10 things that made me happy this week. (7.11 - 7.17)

1. Free Slurpees at 7-11 on 7.11  (seriously...I could never live where there isn't a 7-11)
2. Finishing my last silly class on 7.12 now I'm only taking accounting classes until Feb!
3. Finding out that Lauren and Loralye are coming here this coming weekend!
4. Catching up with an old friend (Matt Strunk) at the grocery store
5. Being able to make Sunday dinner for Jason's family in preparation for Julie's surgery this morning
6. Robb and Kari (and kids) having dinner at Grandma's next door so we could crash their party after our dinner
7. Cleaning the oven (yes...really!)
8. Friday night costco date with Aaron and Kristen
9. Finding LOST on Netflix...i couldn't follow it with a week break between each episode and season breaks, but goodness back to back it's great!
10. Michael's fiance Sarah playing a duet with Miriam Briggs in Sacrament.  Miriam on cello and Sarah on Cello. does something for the soul! Especially in the form of a cello!
11. A BONUS ONE THIS WEEK!!! Walking into Sacrament meeting and being surprised by seeing Neil in front of us!

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